My next show will be in Baltimore, Feb 21-23 2025. See the blog post for my booth location.


Treasure in Translation during NYC Jewelry Week, Nov 14-20, 325 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn near Pratt

Cutting Through Brooch. Sterling silver, star ruby, peridot

My friend, Odette's great aunt Nattey spent 70 years collecting jewelry. She gave it all to Odette. It's a huge, eclectic bunch of jewelry. Odette chose a group of pieces from the kitschy part of the collection, invited 25 jewelers with different styles to choose a piece, and then use it as inspiration for a new piece. The result is this show. The Cutting Through Brooch is my piece. Below are the inspirations I chose.

reference pieces for Cutting Through Brooch

Saturday is the best day to come. There will be hot cider served from 11-8pm.
Subways. There's a nearby G stop, a kinda near C stop, but your best bet is Atlantic Ave and walk up Lafayette, which is a really pretty street.

A link to the NYCJW write up

The Story behind Cutting Through

This is about changing habits. A habit is like a circle. You move away from it and, at the furthest distance away—the opposite side of the circle—you think you’re free of it, only to slowly move back towards it, annoyed that you’ve been caught again. The simplest of these kinds of stories says that when you cut the circle, there’s a beginning and an end. It’s no longer a circle. You could say the axe is for the cutting, but then what is the flaming sword for. It is to sharpen your intellect and clarify your mind so that when you make the cut, you do it decisively.